Saturday 24 September 2011


We at Temelco have only been in the domain business for 5 years, but we’ve already seen massive changes. Google’s continuing tweaks have had a devastating effect on most domainers parking earnings, and even to some smaller sites. Longer term, our belief in good, relevant domains remains unshaken, but there are serious challenges ahead for all of us.
We define our business as “domain investment and management”. Management means doing the most and best with what limited resources you have. From our point of view, longer term, we believe parking earnings will continue to decline both for ourselves and the investors we manage portfolios for.
Nearly two years ago we took the decision to begin developing out our domains.There were a couple of caveats. There was no point in developing dozens or hundreds of small 3/4/5 page sites and plastering them with adverts. There was no way such sites could generate significant income, or gain increasing traction in the market place.
Thus our first decision was we needed to have a site that would have hundreds of pages, would appeal to a large percentage of the population, and would be continuously updated with relevant and unique content.
Lord Reith, when he ran the BBC, stated it’s object was to inform, educate and entertain, and we took this as our mantra. This led us to the realisation that we needed a brand – not a domain name as such – and we started to look for a name we felt could work.
We owned “” and we started from the premise that this would a) be a catchy name and b) would target a large market of the over 50s. However, as the plans for roll out continued, we began to feel that the name could be misconstrued. Indeed one of the people we approached to help with articles flat out refused on the basis it was too frivolous.
So we began looking around and came up with “”. All the while in the background we were buying and selling, managing and weeding domain portfolios, and our own domains as well. We had designers working on the look and feel for the site and by the end of last year we were ready to start working on site architecture and relevant content provision. But seniorsroom? A bit dull…
I’m delighted that we now have up and running and beginning to work the way we want it to. It is a site aimed at the over 50s, with special offers for older people.We have our elderdating as a resource, and soon we will have our insurance and travel subsidiaries ready for roll out as well. We already have our airport parking with special offers for our readers, as well as offers from Marks and Spencer, B&Q and John Lewis.
So if you have an interest in arts and entertainment, in lifestyle, astrology, in charity, in travel, making new friends and learning about our amazing over 50s world, then is for you.

Monday 19 September 2011

Daniel O'Donnell,Alexander McCall Smith

Coming soon on
* Irish singing superstar, Daniel O'Donnell
* Worldwide best-sellling author, Alexander McCall Smith.

* Financing your Spanish villa
* Things to do in Spain
* Using Spain as a base

* Your October astrological charts
* Political debate: Lenny the Lefty vs Toby the Tory
* Money: Mr Frugal vs Mr Lavish

PLUS... & drink.